Our Services
Our Independence Works in Your Favor.
All meetings are about bringing people together to disseminate, generate, and share information. Our expertise lies in enabling you to plan a meeting that facilitates the communication and connection you need to achieve. Conference Hotels Unlimited will help you find the perfect location, negotiate a fair contract, and manage the details that contribute to a successful event. Whether it’s an executive planning session, a national sales meeting, or an international conference.

Plan Your Site
The event site — the geographic destination and the amenities offered — sets the tone for your meeting from the moment you announce it. Likewise, the nature of your event determines which facilities are right for you, whether it’s a cozy Cape Cod inn, a sprawling conference center in the Rockies, an island retreat in the Caribbean, an urban convention center, or a nearby resort or hotel.

Negotiate Your Contract
Because we understand how hotels evaluate their potential business, we can help negotiate a contract that takes into consideration what is possible, what is reasonable, and what is fair to both parties. Your final contract becomes a road map for your event — including all the details regarding rooms, services, and amenities to be provided. We make sure everything is spelled out, so there are no unpleasant surprises down the road.

Gather Your Resources
To make your meeting planning easier, we can offer guidance and referrals regarding any aspect of your meeting that you desire. Through our professional contacts and industry affiliations, we can introduce you to people whose specialties run the complete gamut of ancillary services.

Ongoing Support
Details, decisions, deadlines. There’s so much to keep track of, for even the smallest event. Most planners have many other responsibilities than just the meeting at hand. Managing it all can seem like a daunting task. Our clients rely on our assistance – even after the hotel contract is signed.
Get the Job Done Right
As third-party planners, we work for you, even though our services are paid for by the hotel that receives your booking. Although we do business with hotels, inns, resorts, and conference centers – from international chains to independents – we’re not on retainer with anyone. This means we’re able to negotiate on your behalf to get the best possible property, at the best possible price, whether you’re a small- to mid-size business, a professional association, a Fortune 500 corporation, or a college or university. Contact us today to learn more.

We Strive to Make Clients Happy